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The 8 Steps to Fertility


Step 1
Stop birth control contraceptives and any medications that might effect fertility. 

Monitor Basal Body Temperature (BBT) and Luteinizing Hormorne (LH) to make sure ovulation is regular. 

Step 2
Implement a healthy lifestyle, which will be beneficial to fertility. 

Step 3
Learn the Pattern of Your Cycle. 

Check your Basal Body Temperature (BBT) chart. 
Learn when to start and stop using Progesterone.

Step 4 
Understand Your Constitutional Pattern:

An individual’s constitutional pattern is formed at birth. Although some people are born with a balanced constitutional make-up, one’s pattern may change throughout their life-time. This change may be due to life style choices and/or environmental influences that may result in an abnormal constitutional pattern. 
        According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the definition of health is balance. If you know your constitutional pattern you can learn how to keep it balanced which will allow you to more effectively avoid illness and maintain good health. Many health issues manifest from varying imbalanced constitutional patterns. This self-evaluation will help you identify your constitutional tendencies and enable you to take any preventative steps needed to maintain your body’s balance. 
        For each of the following categories, check the box for each symptom as it most closely applies to you. 

1-Never, 2-Seldom, 3-Sometimes, 4-Often, 5-Always

        Total your score in each category and circle the result. If your score results in “No”, you are not at risk. If your results are either “Tendency” or “Yes”, you will want to contact a Chinese medicine practitioner and obtain information on the measures to take to restore your body back to a balanced constitution. 

Step 5 
Install a peaceful mind. 

Step 6
Preparation of quality of sperm.

Step 7
Follow the Three Phase Approach to Fertility steps. 
(See Attachment Below)

Step 8
Maintain a successful pregnancy.

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